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Daily 3 Horror Stories

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I went to the grocery store one evening after a stressful day at work. All I wanted to do was go straight home, crack open a cold one, and munch on some Pringles for a snack. As soon as I entered the chip aisle, I saw a strange man standing in front of the Pringles. Even from a distance, I instantly knew something was off about him. He was wearing dress pants and a dress shirt with a tie, but it looked like he'd taken them off a body from the cemetery. His demeanor was deeply off-putting. He stared at the Pringles like he was in a trance, and every few seconds, he would twitch and fidget. I thought he was on something, so I knew he could be dangerous if I got too close.


"Oh, Sniper Wolf, she's so beautiful, just perfect. I wish she would post every single day. I just want to see more of her. I don't know why she doesn't make an OnlyFans. She could make billions doing that, but then again, I wouldn't want anyone else to see her like that. Only I should get to see all of her. Only Sniper can see my third leg. God, I'm so thirsty. It would be better if it was her bathwater. Now there's a good idea that was wasted on the wrong person. I should tell her about that. Then maybe I can get a lifetime supply."


For years, the sight of the Amazon logo or the mere mention of the names gives me a panic attack. It's not that Amazon did anything wrong to me personally, but I was horrifically traumatized by someone who used weapons and tools they bought from the site. I never saw it coming either.At the time it happened, my boyfriend and I did work on the side together, doing yard work and odd jobs for people in our community. One day, we went out of town to a secluded property where we thought we would be clearing shrubs for a few hours.


For most people, Father's Day is a fun time when people remind their dads how much they mean to them, but for me, it's just a reminder of the hell that I went through. I lived with my parents back then. They had a decently large house, so there was plenty of room for me, and they didn't seem to mind that I hadn't moved out. All of my siblings had already left, so it was just me there with my parents. I honestly felt like an only child half the time because my siblings never visited, and we weren't very close. Of course, I wasn't very close with my parents either. Even though I lived with them, I still felt like I barely spent any time with them. My mom would always be at work or with friends. I was usually just at home with my dad—not that he was ever around me either.


Ever since I moved out 20 years ago, I've made sure to visit my mother regularly, especially on Mother's Day. My dad passed away when I was in school, and most of my siblings rarely visit her. I don't blame them, though. None of them could ever be worse to her than our youngest brother. He never moved out and made a life for himself because he never cared about school or getting a job. Even when he did try to work for a few days at a handful of different minimum-wage jobs, he'd inevitably end up getting fired by his third shift due to his extreme behavioral issues.


I had been with my boyfriend for only a few months when it happened. We were both in our 20s and in a relationship for about a year and a half. We were still figuring our lives out, so there wasn’t a lot of pressure for long-term commitments or anything like that. I worked at a local restaurant while he went to college to work in the Aerospace industry. Overall, he was great, but we already had some struggles early on. He had cheated on me in the past; I found snaps and messages from other females on his phone. That’s how I found out. He told me that he never responded to them, but I was still worried about it. It was hard to completely trust him with that sort of thing again after what had happened.


The memories are gone, the good times are gone. All that's left is acne. Make it stop, make it stop—it’s everywhere. What kind of place is this? What the hell are we? Somebody else? Back then, it was my whole pig family together in this awful Cave of Fire, trapped with no air to breathe, no hope of escape, just the fire scorching our skin in the company of each other, screaming. At least it's not getting hotter. No way—it is. I was taken out of the oven onto a platter alongside the rest of my family. That’s when I realized we had pork chop bodies.


My life changed forever when I was 14 years old. Not that I had much of a life to begin with. From the outside, my family made sure to keep up the appearance of a happy and loving household, but in reality, I was always fighting with my family to earn even the most basic respect. My parents were extremely strict, and my siblings were both entitled little brats who got whatever they wanted. I was never allowed to play any of the video games my friends had, so for entertainment, I was limited to the DVDs my parents deemed safe for us to watch. My favorite movie of all time was Shrek.


Shift of my miserable life— all I do is flip patties and make burgers. How long have I been stuck here working with this useless dead-end job, lining the pockets of that crustaceous cheapskate Mr. Krabs while I walk home with pennies? With every passing day, I become more and more like Squidward, sitting up there and doing the absolute bare minimum, dull and lifeless and hopelessly self-loathing. I used to come into work with some soul, but he was always as unenthusiastic as he could possibly be. Now look what he's done—he's drained all the enthusiasm out of me.


This happened around East of 2016 when I was in my early teens and didn't have my driver's license yet. I was forced to walk everywhere because my parents were always working and didn't have time to drive me to most places. Sometimes it was a little annoying, but I didn't mind. This was around Easter time, so most parents would take their kids out to the mall. I decided to walk to the mall one evening alone. I didn't really have any plans for that day and didn't want to sit around the house by myself, so I decided to hang out at the mall and maybe look around some stores. I even considered getting a photograph with the Mall Easter Bunny.

Mickey mouse horror story

This all happened years ago when I was in my early teens. My parents and I went on vacation to New York that summer. We stayed in an Airbnb somewhere in Manhattan and had a lot of fun for the first couple of days. One night, we decided to visit Times Square, which was obviously a very popular spot for tourists. When we arrived, it was already very crowded, and it was hard for me to believe that so many people could be in one spot, making it difficult to navigate around.

Last Day of School Horror Story

This was something that happened so long ago that a lot of details are a little blurry. It's not like it happened yesterday. I'll try my best to fill in smaller details that I don't fully remember with how I best remember things played out. It was the last day of school. I was in the fourth grade. Fourth grade was the last year in our elementary school where kids had to be picked up by their parents. Fifth graders were allowed to walk home on their own.

2 Scary Walmart Stories

When I was a teenager, my best friend and I were having a girls' night at her house. We were watching a movie and just hanging out. At around 11 p.m., we were both pretty hungry and in the mood for some junk food. There wasn't anything like that at the house, so we decided we would go to the only store open at the moment, Walmart. Because it was so late, we weren't surprised to see that there weren't many cars in the parking lot, and we were able to get ourselves a spot right near the entrance of the store.

First Day on the Job Horror Story

I once worked as a direct care aide for a 65-year-old woman with a developmental disability. Her daughter, who was in her 40s, worked overnights, and she needed a caretaker with medical experience to watch her overnight. When I say I once worked for them, I mean I literally worked once—just this night—and you're about to hear why I never went back. The 65-year-old woman's name was Martha, and her daughter, who contacted me, was named Colleen. It's possible Colleen didn't have any other family to watch her and didn't want to or couldn't afford to put Martha in a nursing home, or maybe she felt more comfortable hiring somebody with some form of experience to watch over her.


I used to go to Burger King all the time. I'm a big guy, and I like to eat, but I never learned to cook for myself. So, I go through a lot of fast food drive-throughs, especially Burger King, since it used to be the only place on my way home from work that was open 24/7. But the last time I went to Burger King, I had a very disturbing experience. I pulled my truck up to the intercom a little past two in the morning, as per usual. But strangely, even after a few minutes, nobody asked me for my order. "Uh, hello? Anybody there?" Sometimes they don't realize somebody's waiting in line until I say something.


It was Friday night, and Eileen was having a really good time at her college party. Around half past eleven, she left and tried to contact her roommate, Lisa, to pick her up, but Lisa wasn't responding."Hello? Uh, finally! I've tried to call you like 20 times.""Have you seen the time? It's really late. You said you'd be free by nine. I was waiting for your call for ages, and then I fell asleep.""Sorry, I couldn't keep track of the time. Can you come pick me up?""It's nearly midnight, Eileen. No way I can drive this late, half asleep. There's a 12 o'clock bus that goes to Norman Street. You might still be able to catch it if you hurry to the bus stop. I gotta sleep. I have to wake up early for work tomorrow. Bye."

Mean Girlfriend horror story

It was Friday night, and Eileen was having a really good time at her college party. Around half past eleven, she left and tried to contact her roommate, Lisa, to pick her up, but Lisa wasn't responding. "Hello? Uh, finally! I've tried to call you like 20 times." "Have you seen the time? It's really late. You said you'd be free by nine. I was waiting for your call for ages, and then I fell asleep." "Sorry, I couldn't keep track of the time. Can you come pick me up?"

Charlie Charlie Horror Story

I used to work in a KFC a few years back. Later, I went back to my hometown, which is why I left the job, but this is not the only reason why I got fed up with the job. Common dine-outs like this often see customers of all kinds, so this one-time experience kind of terrorized me for life. I worked at the counter as a cashier, so I had to deal with the customers directly. One night, I was sitting behind the counter and counting the cash at the end of the day when I heard the entrance door fly open. Two boys came inside; one had red hair and a pale complexion, while the other had a bun tied with dirty long hair dangling from his oily head. They were about 15 or 16 years old.

True SPA horror story

I recently went out of my comfort zone to get a massage. My back had been killing me for the past several weeks, and my buddy kept telling me I had to go to this particular spa in town. He hounded me about it every time I complained about my back pain. Not only was he adamant that a massage would do wonders for me physically, but he was also very persuasive with his insistence that a lot of the masseuses were super hot chicks that knew what they were doing. With that in mind, I thought that if I could get one of those nice-looking girls to put their hands on me, I wouldn’t have to be worried about the awkwardness I was usually concerned with when I considered getting a massage.

KFC Horror Story

I used to work in a KFC a few years back. Later, I went back to my hometown, which is why I left the job, but this is not the only reason why I got fed up with the job. Common dine-outs like this often see customers of all kinds, so this one-time experience kind of terrorized me for life. I worked at the counter as a cashier, so I had to deal with the customers directly. One night, I was sitting behind the counter and counting the cash at the end of the day when I heard the entrance door fly open. Two boys came inside; one had red hair and a pale complexion, while the other had a bun tied with dirty long hair dangling from his oily head. They were about 15 or 16 years old.

Haunted house halloween story part 2

"Annie, wake up. You're getting late for school. Annie, what happened? Why aren't you ready for school? Are you not going to school today?" "No, I'm not feeling well." "What happened to you?" "I'm having a fever." "Yeah, you look very pale as well. Just take it easy today. I'll book an appointment with the doctor if your condition gets worse, okay? Try to get some sleep, sweetheart." Annie's mother had no idea that the girl lying on the bed wasn't her daughter, but an evil disguised as Annie.

haunted house halloween horror story

My parents were looking for a house to rent for a long time, but they weren't able to find any nice house which was close to my school and dad's office. After a long search, my dad found a house which was also close to my school. It seemed really nice, but there was one thing about it that I didn't like. Right behind it, there was an old abandoned house. Usually, I'm not that scared of these things, but that abandoned house really unsettled me. And because my room was at the back of the new house, I could see that creepy house very clearly from my room window.

Office horror story

It was Friday night. Jessica, as always, lingered at work, only not to listen to the piercing silence of her apartment. After the death of Max, her young husband, Jessica did not like to return home. A working sheet froze on the monitor screen, but Jess just tiredly looked at her and Max's wedding photo on her desk. Tears stuck in a tight lump in her throat and were ready to pour out of her eyes. How often did she have dreams of reuniting with her deceased husband? But she was too young, beautiful, and healthy.

My Last Time Babysitting

I checked my watch as I walked up to the door. 10 minutes late. I had been babysitting for them for six months. I was sure they wouldn't mind. Mr. Lopez answered the door. 'Hey, I'm sorry I'm late,' I started to say, but stopped when I saw him. His face was soaked with sweat, and he looked slightly agitated. 'No problem at all, come inside.'

Walking Alone from School Horror Story

foreign happened to me one year ago. our final exams were coming up and I still needed to do a lot more preparation usually our School's library would close by five but because of the exams the school decided that the library would be kept open until midnight so that if kids wanted they could stay to study and prepare for the exams my house wasn't far away from the school so instead of studying at home I preferred studying in the quiet calm library and mostly prepared for the

Smurl Family Haunting horror story

The Smurl family haunting is one of the most infamous and controversial paranormal cases in American history. The tale begins in 1973 when Jack and Janet Smurl, along with their four daughters, moved into a modest duplex in West Pittston, Pennsylvania. The duplex, built in the 1890s, had a certain charm but also a long history. Jack’s parents lived in one half of the duplex, while Jack, Janet, and their children settled into the other half. The family hoped for a peaceful life in their new home, but they were soon confronted by strange, unexplainable events that would turn their lives into a living nightmare.

Terrifying Hitchhiking Horror Story

andrea and ryan were very close friends who used to spend a lot of time together but for the past couple of weeks ryan did not contact or responded to any of his messages and due to virus lockdown andrea couldn't visit him which was making him even more worried for his friend's safety then suddenly one day he received a call from ryan hello ryan what happened is everything okay yeah everything is fine i don't believe this

True CLOWN Horror Story

if you have seen the news lately there have been many reports of clowns luring children into the forest I was one of the first to experience this and it was utterly terrifying I want to stay anonymous at the moment just in case the clown finds out who I am anyways here's what happened I am 14 years old and live in a small town in South Carolina the town has a population of around 130 people the summer was just about over and I had a summer job working at the local lumberyard it was a great place to work

Late Night Online Horror Story

it was 2.25 am i sat at my laptop aimlessly scrolling as the minutes dragged by only three more hours left until i needed to start getting ready for a long day of work i leaned back in my chair and cracked my neck as i heard the tension being released i contemplated crawling into my bed and calling in a night but my over stimulated brain was still rushing after several hours of scrolling through


running down the hall rounding the corner that enters our bedroom not tonight ruby it's like she has a built-in alarm system that goes off every time i have a business trip my husband tom and i are no stranger to

Serial Killer at My University

there's a serial killer at virginia state university growing up my mother had made me watch murder shows with her which eventually turned me into a paranoid 20 year old who's afraid of her own shadow my mother

Oven horror story

During the summer of 1983 in a quiet town near minneapolis minnesota the police found a severely burnt body of a woman in her small farmhouse the most horrific thing was that her body was found inside the kitchen stove not only that but a video camera was also found in the kitchen

Mc donald's horror story

McDonald's one of the world's most famous fast-food restaurants even though it's not very healthy it can be very convenient since McDonald's is open 24 hours a day but even in such a fun and friendly place strange things can happen that even if you try it you aren't able to forget them something like this happened to me a story so unnerving and terrifying that I'll never forget it

wrong turn horror story

foreign had always been adventurous never the one to shy away from a dare or a thrill so when her friends challenge her to drive alone on the desolate Eerie stretch of highway known as Whispering Hollow Road she accepted without hesitation

TRUE Scary Story Told In The RAIN

Echoes of the Dand in the heart of a Relentless storma circle of friends found themselves huddled around a feeble flickering fire the only source of light in the suffocating Darkness the rain battered down with Fury as if trying to

Pizza delivery horror story

at the age of 20 I worked the late Friday night shift at Andrews Pizza which meant that my boss and I would be closing a bit late an hour before closing it was around 10:00 and my next delivery was to the next town over soer ties I was a little confused because the map was leading me to an isolated road that seemed to lead nowhere where but the

Field trip horror story

some true field trip horror stories experiences would give you a lifelong medical condition because of how scary they are while some would send shocking chills down your spine I will be taking you through some horrifying stories of such so sit back and relax Story one the strange man in the wood this occurred in my sophomore year of high school I remember I registered for an elective course called outdoor activities we had an easy and enjoyable gym class outside where we

haunted cottage horror story

this is the story of a 15 year old boy named Daniel who was living peacefully with his family he belonged to a very rich family and was the only child of his parents his parents had provided him with all the facilities and comforts of life and he was very close to both of them but one night changed his life completely that night his parents were

midnight in england's haunted house

In the desolate chill of January 1977, the Thompson family relocated to a grand yet decrepit Victorian house on Green Street in Enfield, London. The house, with its sprawling layout and intricate woodwork, promised a fresh start. Anna Thompson, the family matriarch, saw it as a chance to rebuild after a turbulent year.

The Curse of Annabelle

The old, decaying mansion stood on the outskirts of town, shrouded in mystery and malevolence. For years, rumors circulated about the cursed doll that was said to be locked away in its attic. The townsfolk called her Annabelle, a name that sent shivers down the spine of anyone who heard it.

Split Mouth Woman (Kuchisake-Onna)

The moral of most Japanese urban legends seem to consist of "don't go anywhere by yourself. Ever." The story of the Kuchisake-Onna, or "Split Mouth Woman" is no different. Except that you are doubly unfortunate if you happen to be a child (We assume your legs are stubby and slow and we can thusly outrun you).

The Creepy Clown Epidemic

In 2016, the United States was gripped by a wave of terror as reports of creepy clown sightings spread across the country. These weren’t just harmless pranks—these sightings created mass hysteria and fear. It all started in August 2016 in Greenville, South Carolina, where children reported seeing clowns attempting to lure them into the woods with promises of money.

Hotel Horror stories

From two eerie men and a lady haunting a hotel to exploring places where lost spirits or bad energy may be present, these stories will make you sit on the edge of your chair. Ensure that you grab a flashlight for the next adventure as we take you through this terrifying adventure of 3 True hotel horror stories.

The Haunting of the Cursed Old Cabinet

In the heart of the city, a small apartment stood silent, its windows shrouded in darkness. Yet, within its walls, whispered tales of ancient evil circulated among trembling neighbors. The apartment held secrets, buried deep within its confines.

Creepy Echoes of an Ominous Music

In the quiet town of Taos, a sinister presence lurked in the shadows, shrouded in mystery. Strange whispers echoed through the streets, followed by haunting melodies that sent shivers down the spines of the people in the town. People trembled with fear, haunted by unseen forces that tormented their minds.

Deadly Spirit at a Haunted Construction Site

In the heart of a tourist haven lies a construction site, shrouded in mystery and dread. Here, beneath the moon's eerie glow, shadows dance with the whispers of restless spirits. Long-forgotten secrets lie buried in the earth, waiting to be unearthed by the unsuspecting. But beware,

Unraveling the secrets of a dominic ship

The sea's vastness is as terrifying as its depths are mysteriously sinister with ominous whispers all over its existance. Amongst these whispers, there was the most horrifying story of a haunted ship that has always sent shivers down the spine of those who dared to listen to it.

Emily and the creepy doll

In a quiet, picturesque town, nestled deep in the woods, there was an old, dilapidated Victorian house that had been abandoned for decades. Locals had long whispered about the dark secrets that shrouded the place, but few dared to venture near it. The stories that circulated were tales of eerie sounds, ghostly apparitions, and a cursed doll that had been left behind,


The Miyazawa Family Murders

"As the world prepared to celebrate the dawn of a new millennium, a horrific crime shook the quiet Tokyo suburb of Setagaya. The Miyazawa family-Mikio, Yasuko, their 8-year-old daughter Niina, and 6-year-old son Rei-became the victims of one of Japan's most chilling and baffling unsolved cases. This is the story of the Miyazawa Family Murders.

Horror Gallery

Explore chilling images and eerie visuals in our curated horror gallery.

forest photography
forest photography
two person standing on gray tile paving
two person standing on gray tile paving