Serial Killer at My University Horror Story

there's a serial killer at virginia state university growing up my mother had made me watch murder shows with her which eventually turned me into a paranoid 20 year old who's afraid of her own shadow my mother had heard of the killings and begged me to come home but i couldn't just up and leave in the middle of the semester i just have to stick it out and hope for the best i wouldn't be worried if the killer had a pattern but he didn't he killed men and women nobody was safe so far eight students had been murdered six males and two females he branded them too as if he were proud of what he did he carved what number victims they were on their foreheads one two three four five six seven eight hey my train of thought was interrupted by my roommate emma hey i greeted how's it out there pretty quiet besides the police cars patrolling she replied getting a yogurt out of our fridge and plopping down into the armchair looks like the hash slinging slasher couldn't wait until midterms were over to begin his little killing spree tell me about it i muttered flipping through another page in my binder i'm up to here in study notes the entire coffee table was scattered with mathematical equations scientific equations and two english lit books that i had yet to read for next week no one told you to take 18 units emma taunted skipping a spoonful of yogurt into my mouth okay so fam sorry sorry i'll tell you what let's go to the library we still got a few hours to kill before curfew anyway i got some studying to do too i sighed i i'd been in our cramped dorm all day maybe a change of scenery would help me focus a bit more yeah sure why not i'll try anything at this point i muttered and i gathered my things emma was right it was terrifyingly quiet outside everyone was too scared to come out of their rooms even though the murders usually took place in the early morning or late at night not ever though i guess emma wasn't afraid of anything surprisingly there were quite a bit of students in the library despite everything going on midterms were still taking place which to me was a good thing it kept us distracted from the ugliest outside what type of rock is this emma asked pointing to a sandy and crumbly rock in a geology textbook sentimentary i mumbled then went back to solving equations we studied in silence after that emma occasionally asking about another rock she couldn't identify having a change of scenery actually did help me concentrate better all i had left to do was read the two english lit books an hour later and i closed her geology book i'm beat want me to wait for you i raised my hand not bothering to look up from my book now go ahead i'll be there in half an hour okay see you later she owned before gathering her things and leaving the library the second book was much bigger but i figured i could read at least a quarter of it before curfew and continue the rest over the weekend it was a combination of othello hamlet alexander pope's essay criticism and about three or four other stories i'd finish othello and gotten to hamlet when my friend began vibrating i blindly kept pressing the decline button repeatedly it was probably emma and her stupid geology rocks i was making good time after hamlet i was halfway through pope when i looked at the library clock 9 15 pm oh crap curfew was at 8 30. i'm dead i whispered and furiously gathered my things i hadn't even noticed i was the last one here i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i ran out the door dropping at least two of my pens on the process it was eerily silent even more silent than it was earlier with a nervous sigh i began fast walking back to my dorm which was a 15 minute walk however with my huge bag and textbooks it would probably take 25 i pulled out my phone and called emma who answered on the first ring where the hell are you i've been calling you for over an hour i know i know i'm sorry i lost track of time i'll be there soon okay i'm meeting you halfway emma no just stay there look if i'm not home by 9 50 then come look for me or call the cops it's too dangerous for you to leave she huffed in irritation fine 9 50 not a minute sooner she hung up before i could reply and i signed tiredly stuffing my phone into my pocket breaking curfew two i jumped a million feet in the air my heart leaping out of my chest as i spun around and meet the green eyes of a man he smiled and ran a hand through his hair i saw you in the library figured you could use the guardian angel he said uh i'm okay my dorm isn't far from here i replied i insist a lady shouldn't be out by herself at these hours especially not with a killer on the loose i can manage you can never be too safe name's ethan by the way he said walking alongside me much to my dismay nice to meet you i replied are you not going to give me your name no ethan chuckled all right fair enough what year are you in junior senior chemistry major that's nice he raised an eyebrow you don't talk much do you not to strangers in the middle of the night in particular no i said again he chuckled i can respect that i promise you i'm not a killer just looking at i know i was being kind of a jerk at this point but something about this sky just seemed off i couldn't pinpoint it but my gut instinct told me this guy was bad news it was still a 10 or so minute walk to my dorm so when he came across the north dorms i took this as my chance to book it this is my stop i said stopping in front of the building uh thanks for the walk to my dorm i mean he smiled white teeth shining against the darkness of the night don't mention it hey listen i know this is a bit straightforward but could i get your number my small smile faded um i'm sorry i just i don't know you i don't just give out my number like that his boyish smile was replaced with a hardened expression really i walk you back to your dorm and you can't even give me your number i never asked you to i don't owe you anything ethan gritting my teeth i turned to walk off when one of his arms suddenly wrapped around me in a bear hug and the other clamped over my mouth you do own me he sneered he began dragging me towards the woods and i quickly planted my feet into my fighting stance i stepped on his foot as hard as i could and slammed my head into his mouth once he released me i spun around and elbowed him in the throat i must have hit his adam's apple pretty hard because he gurgled and fell to the ground a man's groin and throat are always his weak spots he tried to fall away and i kicked him in the head well that's nine in a row that the terrified innocent little girl act works i said taking my knife out of my back pocket i flipped ethan over and pressed my foot into his throat feeling the crack what was left of this adam's apple when a girl says no ethan she means no i sneered and stomped his throat his blank green eyes stood up at the sky and i smoked after carving the number nine into his forehead i quickly ran to my dorm before emma could throw a fit after scolding me for breaking curfew she went to her room and i went to mine i wasn't supposed to have a number nine tonight but ethan just had to show up and not give me a break if you're reading this far please don't think i'm some monster who targets random individuals because i'm not i target those who do nothing but inflict pain partner abusers women abusers child abusers and so forth i think i do a pretty good deed don't you as i was about to go to sleep my friend rang sing my best friend's name on it i quickly answered hello hey how were things over there i sighed i didn't have anything planned but i got attacked and had to improvise aside from that all as well that was number nine one more to go i know you can do this think of the next person you're saving whenever you have to do it yeah i know i can always count on you it you have no idea how proud i am of you

Creep spaces

8/17/20241 min read