Terrifying Hitchhiking Horror Story

[11:11 pm, 19/08/2024] Rishu: if you have seen the news lately there have been many reports of clowns luring children into the forest I was one of the first to experience this and it was utterly terrifying I want to stay anonymous at the moment just in case the clown finds out who I am anyways here's what happened I am 14 years old and live in a small town in South Carolina the town has a population of around 130 people the summer was just about over and I had a summer job working at the local lumberyard it was a great place to work I helped customers load lumber into their vehicles a pretty mindless job plus I was able to stay physically fit because of it the best part is that my house is exactly one mile away walking to and from work is a daily occurrence I spend a long day hauling and moving lumber and my work day was pretty much complete it was about 9:30 p.m. when I started to walk home the moon was just starting to light up the road and the Sun had completely set below the hills there are no other houses between the lumberyard and my house our town is very rural the road home has hills that peak high enough that you're unable to see what's on the other side until you crested the road is skinny with no shoulder but it was freshly paved the trees stacked one by one behind each other in a row and vegetation is thick crickets and frogs sound like an orchestra the walk home usually takes about 30 minutes I've done it so many times that I entertain myself with some music I put in my earbuds threw on some tunes and away I went I was about halfway home when I heard what sounded like a high-pitched cackling laughs what the hell is that I took out my earbuds and stopped I thought maybe it was part of the music but something about it didn't fit into the song I stood there motionless looking to hear the same sound again however the frogs croaking was so loud that not even a scream could be heard I thought nothing of it and walked home the next day I started my shift at 2:00 p.m. I started my walk to work around 1:30 it was a beautiful day nothing was out of the ordinary I usually looked down at my feet and kick any rocks that I see having them skip across the fresh pavement was oddly satisfying I kicked a rock and it skipped across the pavement and landed next to something strange laying in the dirt on the side of the road it looked to be a bright red ball I picked it up and give it a little pressure and it squeaked I immediately knew what it was this is a clown nose what the hell is this doing out here I kept it and carried it to work to show the other staff members I even put it on and give it some honks it got a few laughs the day went on as usual and around 9:30 p.m. I clocked out and began my long walk home I forgot my earbuds at home so I was unable to listen to my usual music while on my way home I was able to make out a faint image of a figure about 150 yards away of what looked like a deer standing in the middle of the road it was hard to make out as the fall covered over the grounds and the moonlight backed at the animal as I got within hundred yards it must have gotten spooked I could see a rough outline scamper back into the forest little did I know it was not a dear but something more sadistic I passed the spot which the deer had taken off back into the woods as I walked by I heard footsteps about 20 yards behind me I thought this was strange as I've never seen a deer come back onto the road once it was scared off before I could look back my heart hey there I turned my head to see a clown standing in the middle of the road he wore baggy pants and a baggy shirt but it was very dirty so dirty that the colors faded into stains his makeup ran down his face and his eyes were black you have something of mine I need it back I I don't have anything of yours my house was still a quarter-mile away this is when the situation went from want to terrifying well if you don't have my nose I'm gonna need yours. I turned around and with all my might I take off running down the middle of the road I could hear his bare feet Wally I didn't look back as it could slow me down I was in great shape but I could still hear his footsteps getting louder signaling he was getting closer to me my lungs started to burn I began to press the him at this moment I could hear him almost right behind me just about touching me and then out of nowhere a truck crests the hill with his headlights shining on me I waved my arms and sheer panic he stopped I quickly looked behind me to see nothing no clown I told the man in the truck what happened and he called the police I will never make that walk again I have no idea how the clown got to that location and why he was waiting for me I have never seen any wiggles parked there nor are there any other houses besides mine for miles this was my worst nightmare came true now I found out that this is happening to more people clowns hiding in the woods and stalking people is this a cult a group of scary clones with a goal to terrify people I have no idea but I do know that I'll never be able to walk in the dark or see clowns the same way again. [11:11 pm, 19/08/2024] Rishu: True CLOWN Horror Story [11:12 pm, 19/08/2024] Rishu: ** [11:12 pm, 19/08/2024] Rishu: andrea and ryan were very close friends who used to spend a lot of time together but for the past couple of weeks ryan did not contact or responded to any of his messages and due to virus lockdown andrea couldn't visit him which was making him even more worried for his friend's safety then suddenly one day he received a call from ryan hello ryan what happened is everything okay yeah everything is fine i don't believe this i can tell something is up with you you haven't been replying to any of my messages or calls so you know how i usually finish my shift at tesco around six in the evening yeah now due to cars lockdown i was put on an evening shift schedule by my manager few days ago when i was driving back home after my shift around midnight something really weird happened what is she doing here at this are there's nobody around hi i've recently started working at the nearby hospital due to lockdown i haven't been able to arrange a car share yet do you mind giving me a lift to the nearest subway station she was wearing a clinical mask on her face and there was something about her soul-piercing eyes that i couldn't say no to her yeah sure no problem. oh thank you so much for the ride by the way my name is natalie oh hi natalie i'm ryan do you usually finish work this late no i usually finish around six i work at tescos but due to lockdown my manager put me on evening shifts for a few weeks i was actually very surprised when i saw you usually the road is so quiet around this time i've never seen anyone really so how are you finding your new job must be chaotic in the hospital around this time taking care of so many safety measurements yeah so what do you do are you a nurse oh thank you just stop here please i can walk to the station from here thanks again for the ride she didn't reply to my question and left as if she was in a hurry there was something mysterious about her which left me wanting to know her more and her eyes those eyes were so mesmerizing made me want to see what she looked like then what happened was she there the next night yes she was waiting for me at the same spot and i automatically stopped my car near her like i was under her spell she got in and i drove off we chatted the whole way laughed and i was starting to enjoy her company and looked forward to seeing her again there was so much i wanted to know about her but she would always dodge any personal questions but i didn't care all i wanted was her company this went on and on for days and i felt myself drawn closer and closer to her every day i was getting more and more curious and couldn't wait to see what she looked like and then one night she wasn't there i stopped my car at her usual spot uh she didn't mention that she would be off today i hope she's okay then i heard a distant laugh behind the trees huh i started walking in the same direction there i saw her i saw natalie holding hands with another man they were laughing and chatting don't know why but it made me kind of upset i followed them they both went behind a large tree. i can't wait any longer you're driving me crazy i want to see what you look like it's time natalie tore out the man's throat right in front of my eyes she was scarfing down this man like he was a piece of delicious meat her face was the most terrifying thing i'd ever seen i ran back to my car in horror and drove her as fast as i could oh god that's insane i was so traumatized that i couldn't go to work the next few days my mind couldn't process what happened did you call the police yeah and tell what that i saw a demon munching on a human do you think they would believe me but obviously i couldn't stay home for long you know i can't afford to lose this job so yesterday i went back to work and did you see her again yes i did i drove past her as fast as i could pretending take my advice do not and i repeat do not drive on that road again you're lucky that you're alive it could have been you instead of that man i know i've already talked to my manager that i can't do these evening shifts anymore he's promised me that he's going to put me back on my regular schedule from next week oh that's a relief but please be very careful until then i will.

Creep spaces

8/20/20241 min read